The Dalai Lama XIV once said: If you have a problem, ask yourself if there is something you can do about it. If the answer is Yes – then Why Worry? If the answer is No – then Why Worry?
But in the modern world, we do a great deal of worrying which is impacting our physical as well as our mental and emotional wellbeing. Mark Twain once said: I’ve lived through some terrible things, a few of which actually happened.
Twain’s very insightful comment shows how our brains work overtime, creating scripts which run through dramas which might happen – but in reality, rarely come to life. What we need is to write a new script for ourselves which gives us the outcome we are hoping for, but to do this, we need to write over the negatives of past conditioning. To help us write a new script for our lives, we need new techniques for our emotional toolbox.
There are many new techniques which have evolved over the years, such as the energy-based therapies TFT, EFT, EMDR, Havening and Breathwork, to the utilisation of the senses within Sound, Colour and Scent-based therapies as well as the more traditional Psychodynamic talking and behavioural therapies such as CBT and DBT which are readily available to provide similar results, i.e.: to reduce anxiety about future events and equip us with the ability to manage current stressful situations while halting the ‘ghost’ situations we conjure up in our minds which have not yet occurred.
However, it is important to remember that we evolved as human beings precisely because we are able to problem-solve and these strong analytical abilities explain how we have survived so successfully for so long on this planet. If we wipe away all problems and reduce the challenges our children encounter in their daily lives, we run the risk of weakening their ability to deal with real threats when they arise. The animals which survive best in the wild are those which are most adaptable to change. We cannot and should not make life completely trouble-free.
Life is essentially made up of a series of habits and perceptions. Once we change these, we change our lives. For example, to change someone else’s behaviour towards you, it is vital to change your own behaviour first. Once we have initiated new boundaries and perceptions within our own minds about something or someone, other people’s responses to your new behaviours and boundaries will automatically adapt to accommodate these new alterations in you as their perception of you changes.
Over the coming weeks, we will delve into a variety of therapies and techniques which can help alleviate stress and trauma in adults and children alike, and to manage the biggest problem our species faces in 2022: The inability to find peace of mind, as we attempt to navigate a mountainous new landscape of Stress.
We will also look at how we can support our nervous system with nutrition and what medical treatments are available for acute stress.
‘The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one
thought over another’
William James
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