
The Healing Power of Animals

The Healing Power of Animals

Introducing animals into the life of a child with SEND can have untold benefits. The actions of stroking the soft fur of a dog or a rabbit can calm an anxious child very quickly, as carers of children with special educational needs know very well. Therapy animals are...

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Fountain Head House School

Fountain Head House School

Fountain Head House School is a Co-Educational Special Needs Day School for children with Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP) providing a personalised, fulfilling and therapeutic wraparound education programme for all children. Fountain Head House School is focused...

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Teaching Tips for SEND Students

Teaching Tips for SEND Students

Teaching children with special educational needs can be challenging and requires a specific temperament as well as a specialised skillset.  Firstly, understanding the needs of the child with learning disabilities is fundamental to knowing how to plan for their lesson...

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Support for Childcare

Support for Childcare

The Government’s spring budget has revealed a support package for parents of young children which will enable mothers in particular, to stay in work and help boost the economy. Childcare is one of the biggest expenses for working families today and the Government is...

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Birth Trauma

Birth Trauma

Birth trauma occurs in approximately 29 out of every 1,000 births in the US, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.  This is a shocking statistic given the advanced state of modern medicine.  Tragically, many of these injuries, including cerebral palsy and...

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